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Alcohol Rehab

Alcohol addiction is a complex and challenging battle, one that affects both the individual and their loved ones. At Live Again Detox, we provide specialized alcohol rehab in Nashville. Everyone facing alcohol addiction has unique challenges shaped by their personal experiences. As we understand the gravity of this struggle, our compassionate team offers top-tier medical attention alongside essential therapeutic services.  

The Value of Professional Support During Alcohol Addiction Recovery

Alcoholism is not simply a matter of willpower. It is a complex and chronic disease that can have profound physical, psychological, and emotional effects. The process of overcoming alcohol use disorder requires more than just the decision to quit; it demands professional support and a structured environment. At our Nashville alcohol rehab, individuals navigate the challenges of withdrawal safely while finding their way back to a more fulfilling life. 

Anyone who has struggled with alcohol addiction understands its impact on nearly every aspect of a person’s life and how challenging it can be to break these cycles alone. Our clients receive support from others who have lived through these struggles, along with medical care, comfort, and guidance throughout the recovery process. 

Recognizing the Symptoms of Alcohol Use Disorder

While symptoms of alcohol addiction differ from person to person, we frequently see specific indicators. 

Key symptoms of alcohol use disorder include:

  • Difficulty in controlling alcohol consumption
  • Dishonesty about drinking habits
  • Devoting significant time to drinking and recovering from its effects
  • Obsessive thoughts about alcohol
  • Problems at work or school due to drinking
  • Relationship conflicts related to alcohol use
  • Abandoning hobbies or social activities in favor of drinking
  • Feeling the need to drink more to achieve the same effects
  • Engaging in dangerous behaviors while drinking
  • Experiencing withdrawal symptoms when not drinking

Our Approach to Alcohol Rehab in Nashville 

Live Again Detox was established by individuals with personal experience in addiction recovery. Therefore, we provide comfortable bedrooms with personalized thermostat control, medication-assisted treatment, therapy, and dual diagnosis care.

We strive to provide an individualized approach to addiction recovery. In addition to supporting our clients initially through alcohol detox, our programs address the underlying causes of addiction. We understand the importance of equipping our clients with the tools needed to maintain long-term sobriety. Our team of experienced professionals provides a high standard of care through a range of evidence-based treatments and therapies.

Treatments We Provide: 

  • Dual Diagnosis Treatment
  • Trauma Treatment
  • Holistic Treatment
  • Family Therapy 
  • 12-Step Program
  • Aftercare Program

Dual Diagnosis Treatment: Addressing Co-Occurring Disorders 

Many who struggle with alcohol addiction also suffer from co-occurring mental health disorders such as depression, anxiety, or PTSD. At Live Again Detox, we address addiction and the underlying mental health issues simultaneously. By treating both conditions together, we can help our clients regain control of their lives. 

How Common is Dual Diagnosis? 

The National Institute on Drug Abuse states, “Of the 20.3 million adults with substance use disorders, 37.9% also had mental illnesses.” These disorders may cause one another or create a cycle that prevents full recovery from either disorder. Due to the impact that alcohol addiction has, an individual may experience isolation from family, financial hardships, health issues, and many other problems that can also worsen mental illness. Similarly, mental illness can reduce coping skills and the ability to overcome anxiety or stress in healthy ways. These factors can also contribute to alcohol use and addiction. 

Trauma Treatment: Healing Past Wounds

For many, alcoholism is rooted in unresolved trauma. Traumatic experiences can lead individuals to turn to alcohol as a way to cope with pain and distress. Our Trauma Treatment program helps individuals confront past trauma and heal in a supportive environment. Through specialized therapies, we help those struggling with trauma to process and release the emotional pain that can contribute to addiction.

Holistic Treatment: A Comprehensive Approach to Recovery 

Recovery is about healing the whole person, not just the addiction. Our Holistic Treatment approach addresses the physical, emotional, and spiritual aspects of addiction, helping our clients find balance in all areas of their lives. We offer a range of therapies focused on holistic healing to promote overall wellness for long-term recovery. 

Family Therapy for Alcohol Addiction

Addiction often impacts the entire family. At Live Again Detox, we believe that healing must extend to loved ones as well. At our alcohol rehab in Nashville, the Family Therapy program provides a space for families to come together, communicate openly, and heal from the wounds of addiction. Through guided sessions, family members learn more about the nature of alcohol use disorder, develop healthier communication patterns, and rebuild trust. Strengthening these family bonds is a crucial part of the recovery process and can significantly enhance the chances of long-term sobriety.

12-Step Program 

The 12-step Program is a cornerstone of our alcohol rehab approach. This time-tested framework provides a structured pathway to recovery. The program emphasizes personal responsibility, spiritual growth, and community support. By working through the twelve steps, clients gain valuable insights into their addiction and develop coping strategies. Our 12-step Program is facilitated by experienced counselors who guide clients through each step with compassion and understanding.

Aftercare Program: Recovery Beyond Alcohol Rehab

The transition from rehab to daily life can be difficult, but ongoing support can make a significant difference. We have designed our Aftercare Program to provide continued support as clients navigate the early stages of recovery. Aftercare programming includes counseling, support group meetings, and relapse prevention planning. We also offer resources to help rebuild a person’s life, such as job placement assistance and sober living arrangements. Our goal is to ensure that clients have the resources needed to maintain their sobriety and build a fulfilling life in recovery.

Levels of Care at our Nashville Alcohol Rehab

At Live Again Detox, we use a blend of evidence-based strategies to address every aspect of alcohol use disorder. Each person has individual challenges and unique life situations that can fuel addiction. Therefore, addiction recovery needs to take a tailored approach. Our levels of care offer structure and flexibility to support our clients where they are in recovery. 

Medical Alcohol Detox

Medical detox sets the stage for a lasting recovery from alcohol addiction, safely addressing the initial stages of alcohol withdrawal. We offer a secure, medically supervised environment where individuals can confidently begin this critical process. Detox is vital for removing harmful substances from the body, creating a foundation for the next steps in addiction recovery. Our compassionate and skilled medical team is on hand 24/7, closely monitoring and treating withdrawal symptoms to ensure each person’s safety and comfort as they take these first steps. 

Residential Alcohol Addiction Treatment

For those who need intensive support, our Residential Treatment program offers a structured and immersive environment where clients can focus entirely on their recovery. At our alcohol rehab in Nashville, clients participate in a comprehensive program that includes individual therapy, group therapy, educational workshops, and holistic treatments. Residential treatment provides a safe space away from the triggers and stresses of everyday life, allowing individuals to fully engage in the healing process.

Outpatient Alcohol Addiction Treatment

Our Outpatient Treatment program is designed for individuals who have completed residential treatment or for those who require a less intensive level of care for alcohol addiction. Outpatient treatment allows clients to continue their recovery while maintaining their daily responsibilities. We provide regular therapy sessions, support groups, and a range of holistic treatments. We have tailored this flexible program to fit individual needs and schedules, providing the support clients need to stay on track through alcohol addiction recovery.

Start Healing at our Alcohol Rehab in Nashville, TN

Starting the journey to recovery can feel overwhelming, but you don’t have to face this alone. At Live Again Detox, we’re here to support you every step of the way with compassion, expertise, and a commitment to your well-being. If you or a loved one is struggling with alcohol addiction, don’t wait to seek the help you deserve. 

Contact us today to learn more about our comprehensive alcohol rehab programs in Nashville. Your path to healing starts here.


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