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Fentanyl Rehab

The painful reality of fentanyl addiction is the high risk of death with a minimal dose of the drug. Fentanyl Rehab Nashville offers a comprehensive approach, utilizing every tool in the toolbox when treating fentanyl addiction. This comprehensive approach, which includes evidence-based therapies, residential rehab options, and ongoing support, saves lives and provides the opportunity for a healthy, sober future. Our thoroughness in treatment is designed to reassure you of our commitment to your recovery. 

The Challenges of Fentanyl Addiction Treatment: A Severe Crisis

Opioid medications are a highly addictive class of drugs that includes fentanyl, causing a high number of overdoses and deaths due to overdoses. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention report fentanyl is unique in being 50 times stronger than heroin and 100 times stronger than morphine. The most significant issue with fentanyl use is the unknown factor of how much of the drug is within a single purchase. The illicit production of fentanyl supports overdose or death from overdose when unknowing users find fentanyl added when least expected. 

Fentanyl Rehab Nashville understands the problematic feature of fentanyl is that the desired effect is short-lived, and once tolerance builds, more use or increasing dosages increases the risk of overdose or death. Physical dependence on the drug follows. Addiction occurs quickly, and the user begins to feel invasive drug cravings for that euphoric feeling immediately. These symptoms point to how difficult withdrawal can be during detox. 

The following symptoms occur with fentanyl addiction:

  • Painful physical withdrawal when usage diminishes or stops
  • Using more fentanyl than intended or for longer than thought of
  • Failure to cut down or stop using without help
  • Diminished mental health
  • The inability to maintain a normal lifestyle and relational responsibilities
  • The feeling of loss of control over life

Fentanyl Treatment

Fentanyl addiction treatment at Fentanyl Rehab Nashville is a collaborative effort. It begins with a fentanyl detox program based on the initial assessment or evaluation by a healthcare provider. This provider, often a doctor or addiction specialist, will guide you through the process, ensuring your safety and comfort. Our treatment team, which includes medical professionals, therapists, and support staff, works together to provide comprehensive care. Fentanyl detox is an intensive process merging medical management and medication-assisted treatment (MAT) to reduce painful physical withdrawal and decrease severe cravings. We combine evidence-based and holistic therapies to assist with essential healing and behavior modification components. 

Components of Fentanyl Detox

Medical management offers supervision throughout the entire detox process to manage the severity of withdrawal symptoms. Debilitating physical symptoms occur with fentanyl addiction, and during withdrawal, physical discomfort is high. Monitoring heart rate, blood pressure, and pain levels prevents dangerous possibilities. Safe detox depends on continual medical management. 

Medication-assisted treatment (MAT) provides an evidence-based treatment practice of using medication to overcome an opioid use disorder. Uncomfortable physical symptoms can continue beyond detox during recovery from a fentanyl use disorder. MAT helps reduce discomfort and works to prevent relapse. Intense cravings for fentanyl may continue to occur, so using MAT helps to decrease those cravings and aid with some mental health symptoms. 

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention point to specific medications that are effective for cravings and withdrawal in opioid use disorders. Medications for opioid use disorder (MOUD) can be helpful and have the approval of the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). Methadone, buprenorphine, and naltrexone are common drugs beneficial for this purpose. Reducing the risk of relapse is an essential consideration in treatment. 

Evidence-Based Therapies

Fentanyl Rehab Nashville offers talk therapy that provides support for individuals in the early stages of substance use recovery. While eliminating harmful toxic substances from the body, significant mental and physical symptoms are challenging to deal with. The treatment team strives to teach new healthy coping mechanisms to reduce the discomforts of withdrawal. Combining evidence-based therapies allows an individual to change thought patterns while developing new methods for coping, instilling hope and optimism for a successful recovery.

One increasingly beneficial form of therapy is dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT). This therapy aims to teach in-the-moment tools to manage emotions, resolve conflicts, handle stressors, and improve relationship skills. In the 1980s, those with borderline personality disorder learned this therapy to focus on behavioral skills development. Recently, mental health professionals found this therapy to enhance the treatment of substance use disorders. 

Dialectical-behavioral therapy helps with skills building in four areas:

  • Mindfulness – accepting what is in the present moment
  • Distress Tolerance – coping with negative feelings instead of trying to escape them
  • Emotion regulation – for the management of change and intense problematic emotions
  • Interpersonal effectiveness – promotes self-respect and assertiveness

Social support seeks to address the isolating component of recovery. Many individuals feel alone in the recovery journey, but adding group social support invites a solution to the problem. Winding down the ongoing support for fentanyl detox reducing the stigma many believe is connected to substance use recovery through group therapy is crucial. Reducing the risk of relapse throughout the detox process develops a strong foundation for further recovery. 

Fentanyl Rehab Options

Fentanyl Rehab Nashville provides a residential program with 24/7 supervision and constant healthcare availability for patients. A high level of structure introduces a new way of life for those experiencing the newness of sobriety. Residential rehab for fentanyl recovery could last weeks or months, depending upon personal need. This program aims to introduce the importance of functions that support a healthy and sober lifestyle. 

Individual, group, and family therapy are essential components of treatment found in residential fentanyl rehab. An emphasis on nutrition, exercise, and developing good sleep hygiene are beneficial for rebuilding physical and mental health. Learning lifestyle skills such as cooking, personal development, and goal setting are building blocks for the future. Holistic therapies introduce the opportunity to practice mindfulness meditation, yoga, or other creative practices that feed good mental health. 

Relapse prevention plans develop throughout residential rehab when eye-opening self-discoveries allow individuals to identify triggers and understand weaknesses and negative thought processes that could lead to relapse. Relapse is a part of recovery for many and can happen quickly, if not in the present moment, and high levels of stress occur. Getting back on track is possible with a solid relapse prevention plan. Education on how addiction works can relay the details of how relapse is possible and what to do if you experience it. 

Ongoing Support 

At Fentanyl Rehab Nashville, we understand the crucial role of family in the recovery process. We provide opportunities for family therapy and education to ensure that your loved ones understand the challenges you are facing and can provide the support you need. We also offer ongoing support throughout the transitions of recovery to benefit longevity in sobriety and prevent relapse. Providing opportunities for transitional backing is part of the program to ensure continuing positive progress in recovery. Group and support therapy options ensure peer support continues whether the individual moves on to sober living or independent living. It is crucial to listen to the treatment team’s advice when making a significant transition out of residential rehab. 

Ongoing support includes introducing sober living opportunities, step-down outpatient programs, and occupational or educational connections in the community. Residential fentanyl rehab aims to support those in recovery throughout the process and incorporate the resources individuals need to remain sober. Choosing a center that offers the essential components of recovery will support the success and completion of each step. 

Find the Support and Guidance Needed for Fentanyl Treatment in Tennessee

Fentanyl is a dangerous substance, and time is of the essence for enlisting help to end the addiction. Live Again Detox in Tennessee understands how devastating fentanyl addiction is and offers programs to begin the recovery effort. Combining all treatment methods to form a comprehensive individual plan for treatment, their professionals add compassionate care to therapy. Contact Live Again Detox today because we are here to support and guide you through your journey to recovery.


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